The next stage in the evolution of pixel advertising! Be part of this dynamic pixel website!  
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10% Trial Days Remaining
00 DAYS 00:00:00
Pixels Ordered: 242,500
Pixels Available: 757,500
Bob's Million Dollar Gamble
100 Pixels = $10 for 90 day trial!   Buy & Sell Pixels Days Since Launch: 6905
Advertiser ListBuy And Sell SpaceAre these pixels worth buying?100 Pixels Win $1600 Pixels

Smart? And recognise potential when you see it?

Order pixels for the 90 Day Trial.

Pay only $10 for this much space: 100 Pixels

You can order pixels now for the 90 day trial and decide if you want to pay the balance after that time. 10% orders will appear on the pixel page until the 15th June 2010 for the 90 day trial period.

Want YOUR share of the $100m?

If Bob achieves his target of $100 million in 18 months, he is offering to pay $50 million of that BACK TO YOU: the original advertisers. Learn more on the $100 Million Dollars Explained page.

How to Order Space

You can order your Pixel Block NOW and get maximum exposure from the 90 Trial period.

You can order ANY amount of pixels, even all of them if you want.

Send us your Order NOW and you will get the most from the 90 DAY TRIAL EXPOSURE.

E-mail your order to Bob

  1. Send us your requested pixel coordinates
  2. Send us your required number of pixels (in blocks of 100)
  3. Send us your image
  4. Send us your website url
  5. Send us your alt 'hover' text
  6. Your Name
  7. E-mail address
  8. Review our Terms & Conditions
Cards Accepted


Get the most from the 90 day trial period – e-mail Bob now.

Please consider the SIZE of your order: 100 Pixels = $10.00 for 90 Days and if the site goes MEGA and you want to keep them you have to pay the $90 balance on each block.

What have you got to lose? E mail Bob your order NOW!

If you order you only pay $10 for a pixel block this big 100 Pixels . And you get the advertising space for the FULL 90 days.

Get the most from the 90 day trial period – e-mail Bob now.

Preorders Have Already Been Received From These Countries

Preorder Countries

Team up and work with Bob. Buy some space and help generate TRAFFIC. Buy some space for the 90 day trial and tell everybody about it! Together we can all benefit! If we achieve our objective of MEGA TRAFFIC, YOUR advertising space is going to be worth many times what you paid for it! Your space will have huge TRAFFIC VALUE and it will also have huge DOLLAR VALUE from potential buyers.

Win These Pixels!

1600 Pixels

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